About the book
About the author
Table of Contents
From 2008-2011, Dan Riley worked as a campus organizer in the outreach department at the non-profit think tank the Center for Inquiry.  He got to know many secular student leaders during his time with CFI.  Finding many of their personal journeys to atheism to be fascinating, compelling, and unique, he decided to create a book that tells their stories.  The initial work that has resulted in Generation Atheist began at a student conference in 2009.

Dan is a 2006 graduate of Duke University. 

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The people in this book come from different religious upbringings, races, sexual orientations, and genders.  Many have gone through very emotional journeys in coming to a sustained, open atheistic worldview.  Most were quite religious at one point in their lives.  

Through the internet, humanity is engaged in a global conversation unlike any before in history -- about who we are, why we are here, and how we should live -- and these individuals have an important perspective to share.