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The Psychology of Religion
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Martin Luther wrote his 95 Theses in 1517, posting them to a door at Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. His document is widely recognized for fueling the Protestant Reformation. In it, Luther criticized the practices of the Catholic Church for, among other things, his perception of Church abuses, particularly regarding the sale of indulgences. Nearly 500 years later, a Lutheran, who wished to be identified through his initials, J.A.G., began to criticize his own Lutheran faith after experiencing panic attacks brought on by religious fear. He didn’t eat enough, didn’t sleep enough, and was terrified by the possibility of going to hell.

J.A.G. spent his high school years in Colorado Springs, CO, one of the most religiously conservative sections of America. The more he understood science, particularly evolutionary biology, the more he was able to quiet his noisy mind. He began to view all life as a natural process, free from deistic observance or intervention. Empowered by knowledge and assisted by mild antidepressants, J.A.G. has overcome his childhood fears.